Ielts GT Writing Task 14

You are due to move into a rented apartment next month but you will not be able to because you have some problems.

Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter:

  • Explain your situation
  • Describe your problems
  • Tell him/her when you think you can move in

Dear Mr. Perry,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you about a situation that has arisen which will unfortunately prevent me from moving into the rented apartment as scheduled next month.

I have encountered unexpected financial difficulties that have made it impossible for me to meet the necessary financial obligations at this time. As a result, I am unable to proceed with the move-in process as planned.

I understand the inconvenience this may cause you, and I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and any costs incurred due to the delay. I assure you that this situation is beyond my control, and I am actively working towards resolving it as soon as possible.

Based on my current assessment, I anticipate that I will be able to overcome these problems and move into the apartment within the next two months. However, I will keep you informed of any developments or changes in the situation.

I truly appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this challenging time. I value the opportunity to rent your apartment and I am committed to fulfilling my obligations as soon as circumstances permit.

I look forward to resolving these issues and finalizing the move-in process at the earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Leo Paul