Ielts GT Writing Task 2 Sample 17

People who have original ideas provide much greater value to society than the ones who copy others. Do you agree or disagree?

While some argue that original thinkers drive innovation, progress, and creativity, others contend that there is merit in the implementation and dissemination of existing ideas. In my view, I strongly agree that people with original ideas provide much greater value to society due to their ability to spark change, inspire others, and drive forward progress.

To begin with, individuals who generate original ideas play a crucial role in driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of knowledge and understanding. These innovators are often at the forefront of scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and creative endeavors.

For example, visionaries like Steve Jobs, who pioneered revolutionary products such as the iPhone, iPad, and Macintosh computers, have had a profound impact on society by transforming the way we communicate, work, and live.

Furthermore, original thinkers have the ability to inspire and motivate others to think differently and explore new possibilities. Their ideas serve as catalysts for change, challenging conventional wisdom and paving the way for groundbreaking developments.

Moreover, original ideas often have a ripple effect, leading to the creation of new industries, job opportunities, and economic growth. This, in turn, benefits society as a whole by fostering a culture of entrepreneurship, innovation, and progress.

On the other hand, proponents of the idea that those who copy ideas also provide value argue that implementation and dissemination are equally important. They argue that taking existing ideas and refining them, adapting them to new contexts, or making them more accessible can lead to widespread benefits.

For instance, the creators of educational platforms that make learning more accessible and engaging may not have originated the ideas themselves but have provided immense value by implementing and disseminating them.

However, while implementation and dissemination are undeniably important, it is the original thinkers who lay the foundation for progress and transformation. Without individuals willing to challenge the status quo, question established norms, and think outside the box, society would stagnate, and innovation would be stifled.

In conclusion, individuals with original ideas provide much greater value to society by driving innovation, inspiring others, and pushing the boundaries of knowledge and understanding.

They serve as catalysts for change, driving progress and transformation across various fields. While there is merit in the implementation and dissemination of existing ideas, it is the original thinkers who ultimately shape the course of society and propel us towards a brighter, more innovative future.