Ielts GT Writing Task 2 Sample 25

In some countries, the tradition of extended families living together is disappearing as people move to cities for work. What problems can this cause? What solutions can you suggest to address these issues?

The dissolution of the tradition of extended families living together, often observed as people migrate to cities for work, brings about a host of challenges that can have far-reaching implications for individuals and society as a whole. This shift can lead to a range of problems, including social isolation, strained familial relationships, and a lack of support systems, particularly for the elderly and children.

One significant issue arising from the disappearance of extended families living together is the erosion of social connections and support networks. In traditional settings, the presence of multiple generations living under one roof fosters a sense of community and mutual assistance.

However, as families become fragmented due to urban migration, individuals may experience feelings of loneliness and isolation, especially if they lack a strong social circle in their new urban environment.

Moreover, the disappearance of extended families living together can have implications for the well-being of the elderly. In many cultures, elderly family members are revered and cared for within the family unit. However, as families disperse, the elderly may find themselves living alone without the companionship and care they once relied upon, leading to feelings of neglect and isolation.

To address these challenges, several solutions can be considered. Firstly, governments can implement policies that promote affordable and accessible childcare services, easing the burden on working parents.

This can include subsidies for daycare centers and initiatives to support flexible work arrangements. Secondly, community-based programs and initiatives can be established to provide social support for individuals living away from extended family members.

This can include neighborhood gatherings, senior centers, and community events aimed at fostering connections and creating a sense of belonging. Furthermore, intergenerational living arrangements, such as co-housing communities or shared housing models, can offer a solution to the challenges faced by both the young and the elderly.

In conclusion, the disappearance of the tradition of extended families living together as people move to cities for work presents multifaceted challenges that require thoughtful solutions. Efforts to preserve the bonds of family and community, even in urban settings, are crucial for the well-being and cohesion of society as a whole.