Ielts GT Writing Task 1 Sample 26

You have received an invitation to a friend’s wedding in another country. Write a letter to your friend, explaining whether you will be able to attend or not. Include reasons for your decision, details about travel arrangements, and your well wishes for the couple.

Dear Sarah,

I hope this letter finds you well. Firstly, I want to extend my warmest congratulations to you and John on your upcoming wedding. I am truly honored to have received an invitation to share in this joyous occasion.

After much consideration, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to attend your wedding in Italy. This decision has been difficult for me, as I was looking forward to celebrating this special day with you both.

The main reason for my inability to attend is due to a prior commitment that I cannot change. I have an important family event scheduled during the same dates as your wedding, and it is essential for me to be present with my family during this time.

Moreover, the distance and travel arrangements for Italy are quite challenging for me at the moment. Given the short notice, it would be quite difficult for me to make the necessary arrangements for travel and accommodation.

Although I cannot be there in person, please know that my thoughts and best wishes will be with you both on your wedding day. I am certain that it will be a beautiful celebration filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments.

I hope you understand my circumstances, and I truly apologize for not being able to attend. I look forward to hearing all about your wedding and seeing the lovely photos afterward.

Wishing you and John a lifetime of love, happiness, and cherished memories together.

Warm regards,
