Ielts GT Writing Task 1 Sample 34

Write a letter to a potential employer declining a job offer. Include:

  • Appreciation for the job offer.
  • Reasons for declining the offer.
  • An expression of your continued interest in the company.

Dear Mr. Vance,

I hope this letter finds you well, and I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for extending the job offer for the Manager role at Alpha Inc. I am truly honored to have been selected for this position, and I appreciate the time and effort that you and your team invested in the interview process.

After careful consideration and thoughtful deliberation, I have decided to decline the job offer. This decision was not made lightly, as I have a deep respect for the company and its reputation for excellence.

The reason for my decision is that I have received another offer that aligns more closely with my long-term career goals and personal circumstances. While I am sincerely impressed by the company’s values, mission, and the team I had the pleasure of meeting, I believe that this alternative opportunity better suits my current career path.

I want to emphasize that my decision is in no way a reflection of my interest or respect. I hold your company in high regard and would welcome the opportunity to stay connected for potential future opportunities. Please accept my gratitude for considering me for this position, and I hope that our paths may cross again in the future.

Once again, I appreciate your understanding, and I wish the company and all members continued success in all your endeavors.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Bella Kapur