Ielts GT Writing Task 1 Sample 51

You are planning a surprise birthday party for your best friend and need to invite guests. Write a letter to mutual friends, Including: 

  • Inviting them to the party. 
  • Date, time & location. 
  • Any special instructions, such as bringing a dish to share or dressing up according to a theme.

Dear Anna,

I hope this letter finds you well. I’m writing to invite you to a very special event – a surprise birthday party for our dear friend John! As one of our closest mutual friends, your presence would mean the world to both of us.

The party is scheduled to take place next sunday. We’ve chosen Singapore city for its cozy ambiance and convenient central location. It’s sure to be a fantastic evening filled with laughter, joy, and cherished memories.

In terms of special instructions, we’d like to ask everyone to bring a dish to share potluck-style. Whether it’s your signature appetizer, a homemade dessert, or even a favorite snack, your contribution will add to the deliciousness of the celebration.

Additionally, we’re planning to add an extra element of fun by having a casual dress-up theme. Feel free to get creative and dress up according to the theme of Harry Potter. Whether you opt for a classic outfit or go all out with costume accessories, your participation will make the party even more memorable.

We’re keeping this party a surprise for John, so please help us maintain the secrecy until the big reveal! If you have any questions or need further details, feel free to reach out to me at 89562-xxxxx.

We’re looking forward to celebrating John’s special day together with you. Your presence will make the occasion even more special and unforgettable. Thank you for being such an amazing friend, Anna. Let’s make this birthday one to remember!

Warm regards,

Lucy Bell