Ielts GT Writing Task 1 Sample 61

You recently stayed at a hotel and encountered several issues during your stay. Write a letter to the hotel manager:

  • Describe the problems you experienced in detail.
  • Explain how these issues affected your stay and overall experience.
  • Suggest specific actions you would like the hotel to take to rectify the situation.

Dear Hotel Manager,

I trust this message finds you in good health. I am writing to bring to your attention some concerns I encountered during my recent stay at your hotel. To begin, upon check-in on the 15th of March, I was allocated Room 204. Unfortunately, the room had a musty odor that was quite unpleasant. Despite attempts to ventilate the space, the smell persisted throughout my stay, making it difficult to relax and enjoy the room.

Furthermore, the bathroom in Room 204 seemed to have plumbing issues. The water pressure in the shower was extremely low, resulting in an unsatisfactory bathing experience. Additionally, the sink took an unusually long time to drain, which was inconvenient and unhygienic. These issues significantly impacted my overall stay at your hotel. As a guest, I expect a certain level of comfort and cleanliness, which unfortunately was not met during this visit.

To rectify the situation and ensure a more pleasant experience for future guests, I suggest conducting a thorough inspection and maintenance of Room 204 to address the musty odor and plumbing issues, implementing a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule for all rooms to prevent similar problems, and considering upgrading the plumbing fixtures in the bathrooms to improve water pressure and drainage.

I trust that these suggestions will contribute to enhancing the quality of accommodation and guest satisfaction at your esteemed hotel. I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding the steps taken to address these concerns.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

