Ielts Speaking Task Sample 10

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

  • Topic 1: Neighbours

How well do you know your neighbours?

I have a good relationship with my neighbours. We often greet each other and engage in friendly conversations.

Do you think it’s important to have a good relationship with your neighbours?

Yes, having a good relationship with neighbours is essential as it creates a sense of community, promotes safety, and fosters a supportive environment.

Have you ever borrowed something from your neighbours or vice versa?

Yes, I have borrowed tools and kitchen supplies from my neighbours, and I have also lent them some of my belongings when needed.

How do neighbours in your country typically help each other?

In my country, neighbours often help each other with household tasks, like babysitting, sharing meals during festivals, and providing assistance during emergencies.

What kind of activities do you do together with your neighbours?

We occasionally organize small gatherings or barbeques in our shared backyard, and we also participate in local community events together.

  • Topic 2: Studies

What subject are you currently studying?

I am currently studying psychology at university.

How do you manage your time between studies and other activities?

Time management is crucial, so I create a schedule to allocate time for studying, extracurricular activities, and personal time.

What study method works best for you?

I find that a combination of reading the course materials, taking notes, and discussing the topics with classmates works best for me.

How do you prepare for exams?

I prepare for exams by reviewing the course content, practicing past papers, and seeking clarification from professors if needed.

What are your future study or career plans?

I plan to pursue a master’s degree in clinical psychology and eventually work as a licensed therapist to help individuals with mental health issues.

Part 2: Cue Card

Describe a significant decision you made in your life. Please say:

  • What was the decision?
  • When and why did you make this decision?
  • How did it impact your life?
  • Explain why this decision was significant to you.


A significant decision I made in my life was to study abroad for my undergraduate degree. I made this decision during my final year of high school when I was considering various options for higher education. It impacted my life in profound ways and has been a transformative experience.

Choosing to study abroad was not an easy decision, as it meant leaving behind my family and friends to immerse myself in a completely new culture and educational system. However, I was drawn to the opportunity to broaden my horizons, gain international exposure, and receive a high-quality education from a prestigious university.

I finally decided to pursue my degree in psychology at a renowned university in the United Kingdom. The process of preparing for the journey, from visa applications to packing my bags, was both nerve-wracking and exhilarating.

Living and studying in a foreign country opened my eyes to new perspectives and experiences. I met people from diverse backgrounds, which enriched my understanding of different cultures and values. It allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, become more independent, and develop a strong sense of self-reliance.

The academic environment at the university was stimulating and challenging, pushing me to excel and grow as a student. I had the privilege of learning from esteemed professors and engaging in research opportunities that I wouldn’t have had back home.

Moreover, being away from home taught me the importance of adaptability and resilience. I encountered obstacles and faced moments of homesickness, but each hurdle strengthened my determination to thrive in this new environment.

Studying abroad also allowed me to travel and explore various European countries during breaks. These experiences broadened my cultural awareness and fueled my passion for understanding human behavior in different social contexts.

This decision has been significant to me because it shaped my personal and academic growth. It made me more open-minded, self-assured, and compassionate towards others. The memories and friendships formed during my time abroad will remain with me for a lifetime.

Part 3: Discussion

What are the benefits of studying abroad?

Studying abroad offers numerous benefits, such as exposure to diverse cultures, access to top-notch education, opportunities for personal development, and increased career prospects in a globalized world.

How can studying abroad contribute to one’s career prospects?

Studying abroad enhances employability by demonstrating adaptability, cross-cultural communication skills, and the ability to work in diverse teams. It also provides opportunities for networking and internships with international companies.

What challenges do students face when studying abroad?

Students studying abroad may face challenges like language barriers, cultural adjustment, homesickness, financial constraints, and navigating a new educational system. However, these challenges also foster personal growth and resilience.

How does studying abroad impact a student’s personality and worldview?

Studying abroad exposes students to new ideas, lifestyles, and cultural practices, broadening their worldview and increasing their empathy towards people from different backgrounds. It promotes a more open and accepting perspective.

Do you think studying abroad should be encouraged for all students?

Studying abroad can be a transformative experience for many students, but it may not be suitable for everyone. It depends on individual goals, interests, and financial circumstances. Encouraging an international exchange of ideas and experiences, however, can benefit all students.