Ielts Speaking Task Sample 5

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

  • Topic 1: Favorite Subject

What is your favorite subject in school?

My favorite subject in school is English. I enjoy exploring literature, analyzing texts, and improving my language skills.

Why do you like this subject?

I like English because it allows me to express myself effectively through writing and speaking. I also find the study of different literary works fascinating and inspiring.

Do you find any challenges in this subject?

One challenge I face in English is mastering grammar rules and vocabulary. However, I view it as an opportunity for growth and consistently work on improving these aspects.

How has studying this subject benefited you?

Studying English has improved my communication skills, both written and verbal. It has also expanded my knowledge of different cultures and broadened my perspective through the exploration of diverse literary works.

Are there any specific authors or books you enjoy studying?

I particularly enjoy studying the works of William Shakespeare. His plays, such as Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth, are timeless and offer profound insights into human nature and society.

  • Topic 2: Pollution

What do you think about pollution in your city?

Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances or contaminants into the environment, causing adverse effects on living organisms and the ecosystem. There is a lot of pollution in my city.

What are some common types of pollution?

Common types of pollution include air pollution (caused by vehicle emissions and industrial activities), water pollution (due to untreated sewage and industrial waste), and soil pollution (resulting from the use of pesticides and chemicals).

How does pollution impact human health?

Pollution can have severe health implications, leading to respiratory problems, allergies, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. It also affects the quality of water and food sources, posing risks to overall well-being.

What are some steps that individuals can take to reduce pollution?

Individuals can contribute to pollution reduction by conserving energy, using public transportation or carpooling, recycling and proper waste management, and promoting sustainable practices in daily life.

What role can governments play in addressing pollution?

Governments can enforce stricter environmental regulations, invest in renewable energy sources, promote eco-friendly transportation, and raise awareness through education campaigns to tackle pollution effectively.

Part 2: Cue Card

Describe an important decision you have made in your life. You must say:

  • What decision did you make?
  • Why was it an important decision?
  • How did you make this decision?
  • Explain the impact this decision had on your life.

Key points: An important decision I made in my life was to study abroad for my higher education. It was a significant decision because it involved leaving my family, friends, and familiar surroundings to pursue my academic goals in a foreign country.

I made this decision after careful consideration and extensive research about the educational opportunities, cultural experiences, and career prospects available abroad. I weighed the pros and cons, sought advice from my mentors, and evaluated the potential impact on my personal and professional growth.

Ultimately, I decided to take the leap, and it turned out to be a life-changing decision. Studying abroad opened doors to new perspectives, allowed me to embrace diverse cultures, and provided me with a global network of friends and professionals.

It enhanced my independence, adaptability, and cross-cultural communication skills. This decision not only enriched my academic journey but also shaped me into a more confident and well-rounded individual.

Part 3: Discussion

What are some advantages of studying abroad?

Studying abroad offers numerous advantages, such as exposure to different educational systems, access to diverse courses and research opportunities, cultural immersion, language acquisition, and the development of global networks and perspectives.

How does studying abroad contribute to personal growth?

Studying abroad fosters personal growth by encouraging independence, adaptability, and resilience. It provides opportunities to step out of one’s comfort zone, develop a sense of self-reliance, and navigate new environments and challenges.

Are there any challenges that students may face when studying abroad?

Yes, studying abroad can present challenges such as language barriers, cultural adjustment, homesickness, and being away from the support network of family and friends. However, these challenges can also be opportunities for personal growth and building resilience.

Do you think studying abroad is beneficial for career prospects?

Studying abroad can enhance career prospects as it demonstrates qualities such as adaptability, cultural awareness, and the ability to work in diverse environments. It may also provide access to international job markets and networking opportunities.

How can studying abroad contribute to a student’s academic development?

Studying abroad can contribute to a student’s academic development by offering access to cutting-edge research facilities, exposure to different teaching methods, interaction with renowned professors and experts, and the chance to engage in interdisciplinary studies or specialized fields offered by the host institution.