CD-IELTS: It comes as no surprise that the world has changed more in the last two decades than it did in the last two millenniums. Running back in time, if we’d be able to talk to our ancestors and ask them about the things we have today, it would sound supernatural (just like Hogwarts!) and no one would believe this vast amount of development in the field of science and technology.
Nevertheless, all this advancement isn’t unreal, some extraordinary brains have made our dreams come true. From getting a date from a far off land to binge-watching ad-free episodes while relishing delicious meals served at our doorsteps, everything is now possible.
And without doubt, the education sector is not out of the spiral of this ‘being tech-savvy’ run either. Thus from time when online classes were seen as a convenience to online classes as a necessity, it has become quite important for everyone to operate a computer (which most of us are already doing).
While each service we availed for ourselves was at our fingertips, there was one thing which still stuck to its conventional method and was in a dire need to be changed (Oh yes, we’re now talking about IELTS). Since 1989, the IELTS test was only paper-based.
However, the reduced use of pencil (for grown-ups!) has caused disappointment in the test-takers. So in order to compensate for the same, CD-IELTS (No! not a compact disc, it’s Computer Delivered – IELTS) came into existence just around two years ago and has taken over all other forms of language proficiency tests and given the increasing use of technology, it will continue to do so in the future as well.
Now for people who know what IELTS is, CD-IELTS is not going to be much different. But yes, this test is more likely to win your heart than the one based on paper. So now finally without a further ado, let us look at some points which make CD-IELTS a better option than the normal IELTS test.
Time-saving: Remember when we’d book an IELTS, hoping for the speaking section to not coincide with the day of practical file submission! Well, CD-IELTS has removed this cause of worry because all the four sections i. e. listening, reading, writing, and speaking are conducted on the same day.
Additionally, as only a limited number of students appear for the test at a center exclusively constructed for it, the verification process is also hassle-free and less stressful for the test takers.
On-screen timer: I remember one of my friends being devastated over the fact that the clock in the room where he was sitting for his IELTS test was facing his back and he couldn’t keep track of time as he intended to do.
Fortunately, in the case of CD-IELTS, there’s a timer present right in front of the test takers over the screen that also blinks and notifies when the time is about to end!
Pencil and paper: Pencil and paper? Well! never forget your roots they say! CD IELTS provides its test takers with a pencil and paper before every section (a fresh one for each, to avoid cheating of any sort) which is taken afterwards. So, if you know how to make notes during the test, it’s going to be extremely beneficial for you.
Moving among the questions: Just like the paper-based test, CD IELTS also allows the test takers to move to any question in a particular section (e. g. you can’t move from reading to writing and then back to reading, but anywhere in reading) and cross-examine your answers as many times as you want during that particular section. For more convenience, some tools (about which you’ll know on reading further) are available in the system.
Easy to use tools: Unlike the paper-based test, several facilities are provided to the test takers which are indeed the best features of CD IELTS listening and reading according to those who have given the test.
You can select a particular question for reviewing it later, you can change the size of the test and the colour of the background. Moreover, you can also type notes and refer to them anytime in the section.
So now you don’t have to worry about writing an answer in the wrong column (which is a mistake made by many during the pen-paper test) or not attempting a question because you forgot to do it at the end as the review option will differentiate the to-be reviewed question from the others.
Automatic word count: Do you too find it a hassle to count the words written in the writing tasks? If you are the one who doesn’t like his handwriting or is in constant doubt about the legibility of your handwriting, then you’ve got two more reasons to opt for CD IELTS.
The writing section of CD IELTS includes an automatic word count teller from which you can easily know how much more or less is to be written. Thus, if you know what’s the ideal word count in writing and have sufficient typing practice , then you must give CD IELTS a chance.
Less distraction: Note that during the IELTS test you’ll experience a concert going on, but CD IELTS offers a more peaceful environment owing to the fewer number of students in one center and also the headphones which you get for your test. It is suggested to wear headphones throughout the test in order to avoid the little sounds that might be a cause of distraction.
No need to transfer answers from here to there
Yes, you read it right! In CD IELTS, you don’t have to worry about transferring answers from the question booklet to the answer sheet (especially in listening) because every question itself either provides you options to choose from or box to type in your answer and that’s why you don’t have to waste your time in moving the answers after rechecking whether the answer is written in the correct row or not.
But, for this reason, only the test takers will be given 2 extra minutes unlike the 10 they got in paper-based IELTS. So it is also necessary to have a comparison of IELTS and CD IELTS for getting a better insight before making a final decision.
All this information is provided to give the potential test-takers a better view of CD IELTS. Remember! There are always certain individual differences that help determine which option is better, so take your time and go for the one you think is right for you.
And! if you have decided to give CD IELTS a try, then you should know that where and how to make notes for the Ielts Test.